PetroVybe ONE is an Oil and Natural Gas development project forecasting ROI for Partners including a first-year tax deduction (up to 80% against W2 or Cap Gains), quarterly distributions, and a 5YR ROI of up to 4.23x using disciplined risk mitigation in a proven but underdeveloped area.

What is disciplined risk mitigation?

It’s the tactical application of identifying and preparing for potential dangers that could occur in a project, and how to avoid/defeat them. It’s an essential function within the principles of stewardship, a biblical standard for ensuring excellence in managing the resources of others.

Strategy Highlights…

  • Pinpoint lease acquisition & location selection.

  • Drilling 50 new vertical wells.

  • Scale ROI with Cashflow REINVESTMENT.

The cashflow reinvestment approach is designed to drive a stronger total program cashflow and valuation to improve the probability of a higher long-term ROI and probability of an exit asset sale.


  • Gulf Coast Basin, South Texas.

  • Proven but underdeveloped field covering approximately 55,000 acres.

  • Conventional vertical drilling play.

  • Majority LIQUID hydrocarbons consisting of high BTU “wet” natural gas yielding significant NGLs (Natural Gas Liquids) and oil production.

  • NGLs deliver premium pricing + risk mitigation against pricing volatility.

  • $22MM skin-in-the-game invested in 3D seismic and vintage Exxon 2D seismic data, interpretation, and prospect identification.


  • Raise $50MM in capital.

  • 5-year development timeline.

  • Deliver forecasted 80% first-year tax deduction.

  • Achieve projected 85% AVG annual cash-on-cash ROI.

  • Exit at or before project peak valuation, and double the forecasted ROI.